Announcement: 2023 AGM


Kai Iwi 1A Reservation

TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Kai Iwi No. 1A Reservation for beneficial owners and uki who whakapapa to Ngāti Iti and Ngāti Pūkeko will be held as follows:

PLACE: Te Aroha Marae, 36 Rangitatau East Road, Kai Iwi, Whanganui
DATE: 28 October 2023

TIME: 10.00 am


a. Minutes of previous Meeting
b. Chairperson’s report
c. Treasurer’s report and Statement of Accounts
d. Special Trustee Election (3x positions)
e. Addition to the Charter
f. General Business

Nominations for Trustee vacancies close 6pm 18 October
For Special Election information and forms email: [email protected]

To help make things easier please use the register button in the top right of the menu to register your whakapapa connection to Ngāti Iti and Ngāti Pūkeko.